Cancel AppleCare


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Why Choose Unsubby?

Unsubby can help you cancel your subscription by sending a formal cancellation letter on your behalf. You'll receive confirmation once it's sent, and you can track your request. Many companies offer various cancellation methods. Unsubby is one of the available options, and we are happy to help. Not satisfied with our service? We will give you a full refund.

Cancel via

If you prefer to use our service, we’ll send the cancellation letter to AppleCare on your behalf. Simply fill out the form, and we’ll take care of the rest. Processing times depend on the company. While we send the letter as quickly as possible, it may take several days to process the request.

About Us

Unsubby provides cancellation letters to help users end subscriptions, memberships, and contracts. You can download the letter for free or have us send it for you, making the process more convenient.

Our Advantages

No need to draft a letter

Confirmation when the letter is sent

Track your letter

100% Refund policy


Unsubby is not affiliated with any of the companies listed on our platform and does not influence their cancellation procedures. You can also cancel directly with the company through their available cancellation options.

How & When Can I Cancel My AppleCare Subscription? 

Unsubby can help you cancel your AppleCare plan. Just give us your details, like your name, email, and address, and we’ll create a cancellation letter to send to Apple.  

You can terminate your AppleCare warranty plan at any time. We advise you to read the terms and conditions outlined in your service contract to understand the exact cancellation procedure. 

Also, read How to Cancel Archives

Terminate your AppleCare subscription via Unsubby Cancellation Letter 

We put together this 3-steps to help you terminate your AppleCare subscription via Unsubby:

  1. Please complete the AppleCare subscription termination form available on our website. 

  1. Kindly verify the significant details shared, such as your name, email, home address, etc., to ensure it is valid. 

  1. For a one-time cost, Unsubby will generate a customized cancellation letter based on the essential information shared. We will forward the cancellation letter to AppleCare, requesting to cancel your warranty plan.

Also, read How to Cancel Astroline

Unsubby Helps You Cancel Your AppleCare Subscription 

AppleCare is one of the most eminent and prestigious warranty plans, offering maximum protection for Apple products. However, if you decide to cancel your Paddle subscription, Unsubby can help by creating a cancellation letter and sending it to AppleCare’s customer support to request cancellation. Connect with us online today to get started.

Also, read How to Cancel ATHPAY

About AppleCare

Apple is one of the most reputed and progressive brands transforming the global technology ecosystem. Known for its exceptional products and services, one of the brand’s best features is AppleCare, a premium support service that provides extended warranty and technical support for Apple products. AppleCare includes two main plans, namely, AppleCare+ and the AppleCare Protection Plan. The AppleCare Protection Plan, available for Mac and certain other devices, extends warranty coverage and includes 24*7 technical support. For advanced protection, customers opt for AppleCare+, which covers accidental damage, offers repairs or replacements at a reduced cost, and extends the standard warranty from one year to up to three years, depending on the product. 

Apple has become a premium choice for gadget enthusiasts in America due to its excellent warranty plans. These plans provide expert assistance for hardware and software issues, offering peace of mind and enhanced protection to customers. AppleCare can be purchased alongside a new device or within a specified period after the original purchase. It provides valuable support, making it a popular choice among Apple users seeking reliable service and comprehensive coverage nationwide. 

About Us

Unsubby provides cancellation letters to help users end subscriptions, memberships, and contracts. You can download the letter for free or have us send it for you, making the process more convenient.

Our Advantages

No need to draft a letter

Confirmation when the letter is sent

Track your letter

100% Refund policy


Unsubby is not affiliated with any of the companies listed on our platform and does not influence their cancellation procedures. You can also cancel directly with the company through their available cancellation options.

Cancel via

If you prefer to use our service, we’ll send the cancellation letter to AppleCare on your behalf. Simply fill out the form, and we’ll take care of the rest. Processing times depend on the company. While we send the letter as quickly as possible, it may take several days to process the request.

The information on our website is general in nature and not tailored to individual circumstances. It should not be considered personal, professional, or legal advice. Our service is intended for personal use only. Always refer to the terms and conditions of your agreement.